Friday, May 20, 2011

TMS Takes on a Worldly Vision

The TMS Student Council is proud to announce that we have sponsored a child from South Africa through World Vision.

Phallang lives in South Africa with his mother, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters. His mother struggles to provide for the family and she rarely has money for food, school, or medical care.

Phallang is 13 years old and he enjoys studying his native language and playing soccer. He helps at home by caring for animals.

With the support from TMS, we can help provide Phallang with the basic necessities he needs to maintain a healthy and safe life.

Write a letter! Tell him about yourself, your hobbies, what you like to do with your time, what it’s like to live here in the United States . Ask him about his life.

Leave your letter in the Media Center in the box designated for Phallang by next Friday. We will mail it to him for you.

Student Council members will be around in the next weeks to take pictures of the school and students to send to him as well.

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